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Privacy Policy

Achene Collective, “Us”, “Our”, “We”, takes your privacy seriously and WOULD NEVER SELL your personal information. All information obtained on, the “Site”, will be used as a means to provide the buyer with our services and products. 

Information Collected

To use Our services or buy products, we need to collect specific personal information so the buyer can make a purchase, contact us, or interact with us.

We ONLY collect information on a need-to basis. We will keep your information for as long as is needed and only for the following purposes: legitimate business activities, auditing, or any legal obligations.

Some interactions or inquiries from the buyer may require some information such as full name, billing address, delivery address, mobile phone number or landline number, and email address.

Some information will automatically be collected when you visit the Site such as your IP address, screen resolution, browser software, geolocation data

Any information sent to the Site CANNOT be guaranteed safe since other entities may intercept your information (hacking, etc.) The Site WILL NOT give out personal information but will not be liable for other parties that violate Our terms and infringe on personal data.  We are not responsible for any loss or damage.


You consent to provide us with your information – if you choose not to provide it, you will not be able to make purchases from our website.

Reasons for the Site to collect personal information are: allowing you to access our website and make purchases, communicating significant changes to our products, terms, or privacy policy, providing customer support, communications related to Our services or products, responding to inquiries, managing promotion.

By using Our services or purchasing Our products you CONSENT to us obtaining personal information to provide the requested services. 

OTHER ways personal information may be used are: maintaining records for tax or reporting requirements, maintaining records, to resolving complaints.

IT IS WITHIN YOUR RIGHTS to know what information is collected and why and to change such information if needed to be corrected. You may have your data erased if you do not need the services in which the data was collected. 

The Site will protect your data by using encryptions provided by WordPress and its associates. We are not liable for the actions or conduct of these services.

© 2023 Achene Seeds. All rights reserved. 

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